Saturday, November 8, 2008

Attitude of Gratitude

I was reading the blog of a friend and she had the coolest thing on there. "The November Attitude of Gratitude Challenge". I thought I would give it a try, as I don't have much to blog about anymore. So here are the rules if anyone else wants to play along.

Each day during the month of November list 3 "things" for which you are grateful.

Definition of "things" is used to encompass a myriad of stuff including (but not limited to): a set of circumstances, an event, an inanimate object distinguished from a living being, possession or effects, a deed or act, a product of work or activity, an idea or notion, a piece of news or information, a person, a memory, anything that makes you smile.

*The challenge is to come up with 3 ORIGINAL "things" each day. Try not to repeat entries.

Please note that challenge participation may result in any or all of the following:
-You will be surprised at all the Lord has done for you
-Angels will attend
-You will feel help and comfort
-You may find yourself singing as the days go by
-Your doubts will fly

1. I am grateful that Dennis went for a walk-run with me this morning. He usually hates going with me because I walk and he runs. Walking for a runner must be torture or something, but for years I have watched couples walking along the side of the road and was a bit envious of them. So today when I suggested that we go for a walk with a little bit of running he said yes. I was totally surprised. It was very nice of him to go with me, and I loved it.

2. I am grateful for warm, sunny days this time of year. With it being so cold the past week, today was especially nice and I spent most of it outside doing yard work. I was able to get the last of my garden beds cleaned out, the leaves raked and the lawn mowed.

3. I am grateful for all the hard work Dennis has been doing on our dryer to try and get it to work. He does not like being a handyman and only does it because I insist that he can do it and and save us the cost of a repairman. He has worked on it now for 3 separate days each time thinking it is fixed only to find out that it is not. I am grateful for "things" that make life easier, especially when they work.
I am grateful for professionals who know what they are doing, but wish they didn't cost so darn much.

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