Sunday, November 16, 2008

Today I am grateful for:

1. My Savior Jesus Christ who love me no matter what, unconditionally. In return He asks few things of me: Be Baptized, follow His example, Repent, keep His commandments.

2. Visiting Teaching. It is true that you love the ones you serve, and I love the sisters I visit, and my partner. They are awesome women and such an example to me. Whenever I see them they brighten my day, lift my spirit and make it so easy to love them. Thanks dear sisters.

3. Goals! I like having something to work on and look forward to completing. I like structure and being organized and goals fit in very nicely with that. I love it when I can cross off my list the goals I have accomplished that day. I enjoy working towards a long range goal and love the feeling of satisfaction of completing it. When I don't set goals I seem to just stagnate. When I set goals I feel like I am accomplishing something and learning and growing. It is such a great feeling.

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