Friday, November 21, 2008

Fabulous Friday gratitutes

Today I am so thankful for:

1. Quiet! Sometimes the world just gets loud. With the radio or TV on at home, work and in the car it feels so good to just have some peace and quiet. It is something that young mothers rarely get, usually only when the little ones go down for a nap. It is also easier to hear the quiet whisperings of the Spirit when all is quiet and the mind is not distracted with other noise.

2. People who have values and live them!!! It is really hard to watch those you love get hurt by others who have no virtue nor honesty.

3. Sweet grandchildren. For the past 2 weeks whenever my granddaughter L. sees me she wants no one else but me, not even mom or dad. Reminds me of when my children were young and needed me. I know it won't last for long, so I am enjoying it while I can.

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