Thursday, November 13, 2008

Gratitude Attitude

Today I am grateful for:
1. A beautiful sunrise. The last few days have been dark and gloomy and I was starting to get depressed. Today I went for my walk/run at dawn and watched the moon set on the West and the clouds turn peachy color as the sun hit them on the East. It was so beautiful. Usually I walk when it is still dark and am getting ready for work when the sun comes up and I never get to see the sunrise, so today was a special treat.

2. A working dryer. Dennis finally got the dryer working last night and it is SO NICE!
I really enjoyed hanging clothes out during the summer, but that is not a fun thing to do when it is cold. I love the fresh smell of the clothes when they first come out. Thank you Dennis - for persisting until you found the problem.

3. Herbs. I have been learning about herbs for a few years now and I find them very useful for so many different things. Dennis came home feeling like he was coming down with a cold and he knew what to do to try and stop it before it can get to far. To me it is another form of emergency preparedness, because there could come a time when we won't have access to a doctor and will need to know what to do to help heal ourselves. The scriptures tell us that herbs are to be used by man and I wouldn't know what to do with them if I didn't take the time to learn.

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