Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day before Thanksgiving gratitudes

I am grateful for:

1. Watermelon in November. I found one at Costco the other day and started eating it last night. It is not as sweet as in the summer, but it sure tastes good now that the selection of fruit is limited.

2. Lotion. I would never be able to survive without the stuff. I have dry skin and it gets even drier in the winter. Some kinds are better than others, but because I use so much of it I always buy whats on sale, but not the cheap stuff at the $ store. That stuff is worthless.

3. Loosing weight and feeling great. I have been eating a "healthy diet" to lower my cholesterol and have lost over 35 pounds and over 4 inches in each of my waist, chest and hips. Tomorrow I am going to walk/run the Thanksgiving Day race at the Orem Fitness Center. I am so excited! I love feeling great and the best part is I rarely feel hungry or have cravings any more.

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