Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Today I am grateful for:
1. Warmth. I have never been one to get very cold. My grandma tells me that as a little child I was like a furnace, and she loved to cuddle with me to keep her warm. Dennis loves to sleep with an electric blanket and I on the other hand, hated any kind of heat and would get so hot in the middle of the night I have to throw off the covers, but since I have started this healthy way of eating I get cold. Cold enough to wear jackets and sweatshirts during the day and it is a really strange feeling for me. I am not used to things around my neck and on the lower part of my arms. I am used to wearing short sleeves year round. So now I am grateful to be warm.

2.My brother in law the Chiropractor. He keeps me in tip top shape, and usually helps whatever is ailing me. If we could just get to the source of my dizzyness I would be extremely grateful.

3. TIVO. A silly thing to be grateful for, but I don't care to watch much TV anymore and when I am in the mood there is never anything worth watching. It has been so nice to tell the TIVO what shows I want to watch and set it to season pass and shazam, I can watch what I want when I am ready, without having to tell it to record everyday. It is the coolest thing. It sure helps pass the time away while jogging in place on the mini tramp. Since it is too cold to walk outdoors right now at 5:30 am, this is the next best thing.

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