Thursday, November 20, 2008

This Thursday I am grateful for

1. Online banking. I am the bill payer in our family and for years dutifully wrote out the checks, logged it in the check register, put notes on the bill I was paying, stuffed into an envelope and licked a stamp. Now I just go online, enter the amount and date I want it paid, click enter and I am done in 5 minutes. I can transfer money from one account to another without having to drive to the bank to do it. Such a time and gas saver. What a wonderful modern convenience at our fingertips.

2. A warm house on a blustery day! It is a good day to bake! I think I will make healthy muffins.

3. Inspiring music that brings tears to my eyes. Tonight I went to our stake Young Women in Excellence night and it was a very good meeting. The speaker Laurel Christensen was excellent, and at the end a young women choir sang a song I had never heard before. I believe someone said it was written by Janice Kapp Perry. I don't know the title, but would love to find out and get a copy of it. It was about the light of Christ. I just love music that fills my soul with such a sweet, peaceful feeling.

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