I just knew sooner or later that I would be it. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading what others have written about themselves when they were tagged. Now, thanks to my sweet niece, it is my turn. I consider myself a rather boring person, but I will try to come up with 7 original things about myself.
1. I LOVE to read. If I am idle, I read whatever I can find nearby: cereal boxes, magazines, calendars, flyers, whatever is close by. For years now I have been "reading" by listening to books on tapes or CD's. I find I prefer this type of "reading" for 2 main reasons. #1-I have too many things I want to be doing and sitting down to read a book limits the time I have to do all those other things. #2- I can read doing the most mundane projects like ironing, getting myself 'made up' in the morning (you know - makeup, curling hair, brushing teeth, that kind of stuff), household chores, cooking dinner, weeding, folding laundry, and the list goes on and on. Last year I got with the technology groove and got an IPod. Now I can even listen while I am driving. If you ever see me driving down the road with mascara running down my face, it is probably because I am listening to a really good book that is making me bawl my eyes out (and it doesn't take much to do that).
2. I am obsessive about being organized. I really don't function well when things are out of place and there is clutter around. It drives me NUTS! It gives me such a "high" when I can organize. Dennis does not understand this at all, and it drives him nuts to come home and find that I have organized things again and now he can't find anything.
3. I am accessory challenged. When Malinda was home I would always ask her what I should wear. Her and Alisha (my daughters) are so good at wearing just the right accessory and always looking so good. I don't know where they got it from, but it certainly wasn't from me. I try on several different pieces and think they look all wrong, so end up wearing nothing.
4. I really dislike cooking. I would rather mow lawns or scrub toilets (only my own). When Amanda was still living at home, she would often ask me to proof read or type something for her. She would say, "I'll cook dinner for you if you do this." She knew me all too well. I always thought I was getting the better end of the deal. I would love to hire a cook (or have limitless money to eat out every day). Did I get that point across well enough - I DON'T LIKE COOKING AT ALL!
5. I have a GREAT fear of talking to people (either one on one, or in groups) or getting up in front as a teacher, leader, demonstrator, etc). I really admire people who always have just the right thing to say. I always seem to stumble over my words, and most of the time, the words don't even come to my mind, so I end up saying the stupidest things. I have so many ideas and thoughts and knowledge in my head, but getting that stuff out of there in any coherent form is nearly impossible for me. So I prefer to be a hermit and limit the embarrassing moments.
6. I get so annoyed by all the texting the kids do now-a-days. They are sitting right next to their friends and rather than carrying on a normal conversation, they text each other. I believe texting has a time and a place, but to do it at the exclusion of others really bothers me.
7. I love the light. My curtains all have to be wide open. (How can people stand to have them closed all day? Too Depressing). I prefer to be outside doing things, work included. I love the beauty, the smell, the sounds that are in the outdoors. I love nature. I wish I could live in a house that had no roof or outside walls, but the rain and pests could not get in. Crazy huh! That's me, just a little crazy.
Now I tag the following: Ok, I am totally blog illiterate and can't figure out how to get the rules to my blog from Kim's, so please go to
to get the rules.
Kellie Knowles
Shantell Blanco
Amanda Blanco
Lisa Blanco