Monday, September 8, 2008


UGH!! That awful 4 letter word. I have been told by the Dr. that I have high cholesterol and need to do something about it. He wants me to go on medication and I really don't want to. I'd rather do things naturally if at all possible. So I have done a lot of reading and research this past year and am now ready to bite the bullet. I have created a separate blog as my diet journal. You can find the link to the right of these posts. It did it this way so only those that really want to hear the gory details will have to. I am hoping this will be an additional tool to help me succeed this time. I am old enough now that I am feeling the effects of being overweight and eating unhealthy. So here goes.....You can follow along if you wish at this link or click on the link at the right. Happy journey to me:)

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Good for you! I'm starting with you and I can't wait!! See you in the morning!