We had a wild night with her while on this camping trip. First of all you have to know that I was up in the mountains with my 3 daughters and 2 son in laws and all their kids. Dennis had to work, and Brian was still in Texas. Malinda and Katrae stayed in our trailer to keep me from getting scared at night. One night after every one had gone to bed and it was pitch black outside, Katrae started screaming and screaming and..... well you get the picture. Everyone in camp could hear her she was crying and screaming so loudly. We didn't know what to do for her. We didn't have cell phone service and would have to drive up the mountain a few miles to get service, but I didn't have a vehicle. (Dennis had pulled the trailer up the week before and Malinda and I went up that weekend with Amanda and Steve.) Malinda and I sat there in the trailer in tears not knowing what to do for this poor baby. Options: Wake someone up and have them take us up the mountain to call Dennis and have him meet us and take her to the hospital? Malinda was very worried about Katrae, but also had no money (being a young couple just having moved out of state), for a hospital visit and we would have to bother A LOT of people to do that, so we tried thinking of other options. Finally, and I don't know why it took me so long to think of it...suggested that we wake up Randy and his brother in law Kevin to give Katrae a blessing. It meant me getting dressed, going out into the VERY dark night over to their tent and waking them up. Well, turns out they weren't asleep because everyone could hear Katrae screaming, and were willing to come and do this for us. I have never seen a Priesthood blessing work so quickly. Within just minutes of the blessing Katrae quit screaming, finally took her bottle and went to sleep. The next morning she was fine. We don't know if she had a tummy ache or was teething or what exactly. But thank goodness for a loving Heavenly Father who answered our prayers and blessed us that night. (Malinda--this is making me cry as I relive that night and realize how much I miss you guys.)
Clay and tyler made this "HUT" from branches Randy cut off a felled pine tree. They drug them clear across camp to make it. Quite a feat for these boys. They sure had fun it it. By the way, if you have read Alisha's blog about the burning truck in the middle of the road, this is that same camping trip.
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