Friday, January 7, 2011

busy, Busy, BUSY

I was planning on winter 2011 being a much slower pace of life than Jan 2010, but alas, it will not be. Last year I was so busy that I nearly became a basket case. When I was going through my journal New Years Day I was reminded how busy Jan - April was last year and I was tellling myself it would not happen this year. I was going to read and sew and do other crafty things that were relaxing. But what do you do when sitting in church and as the Bishop is reading a list of missionary opportunities, the Spirit whispers that this is for YOU. Two of the items from his list made me quite excited so I checked into them right after church. Now here I am not even a full week later and I have signed up and taken two of three training sessions to be a Family History Missionary at the BYU Family History Library. The other opportunity was to serve at the Provo Humanitarian Center sewing quilts and other items and whatever else needed doing there. It was not a hard choice for me because Family History is a love of mine. I have missed the time I served at our Stake Family History Library several years ago. I tried last year to get back on there, but the time slots they had available did not work with my already very busy schedule then. Now I have the opportunity to serve at the best library West of the Mississippi. I will get to know all the latest and greatest in Family History research, have access to maps, books, histories, microfiche, and all the other cool stuff they have and I can help other people with their family histories too. How cool is that!!! I am SUPER, SUPER, excited. So goodbye to the sedentary life of sewing and crafting, but HELLO FAMILY HISTORY! Can you tell I am just a little excited. Oh, and this is an actual mission. I have to fill out mission papers, have the Bishop and Stake President sign them and agree to serve two 4 1/2 hour days per week for at least one year. No problem, that is as long as the Bishop and Stake President sign the papers.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

This is so wonderful. I'm a little bit jealous!