Sunday, August 23, 2009

School season means CANNING season!

I have been reading posts from many about their kids going back to school. Some are quite sad to see their kids go and others are ecstatic. When I had school age kids, I fell into the later category. I loved having my kids around, but being a working mother it was hard to leave them during the day - and they always fought with each other so much more when I worked. I also loved having a clean house for 3 or 4 hours and the peace and quiet - well that was Heavenly.


Fall not only brings school - it also brings CANNING.

Last Week: 28 quarts of peaches
Yesterday: 6 quarts and 40 pints of homemade Spaghetti Sauce

My canning shelves are now overly full...and...I still have stewed tomatoes, apples and grapes to do...oh well, I guess I will have to the find room somewhere. Forget the freezer - it is filled to overflowing as well.

Thanks to my dad for the sharing of his harvest.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

I need a canning class. I can do freezer jam, but I need to know how to do the canning for my shelves kind of canning.