Saturday, June 6, 2009

First fun run of the summer

It has become a tradition in our family to go to the Nestle 5k fun run in Springville for the start of Art City Days. Usually I am the one taking pictures, but this year my goal was to run a 5k. This was my first 5k this year (I have walked 2 others in the past 10 years), but I didn't run all of it. I am not in shape for that yet, and my knee's are not so sure that they want me to run as they keep giving me some trouble. I had the privilege of pushing the triple jogging stroller, so mom and dad could get a good run in, which they rarely get the chance to do.

The group of runners (minus Steve who forgot his running shoes and drove all the way home to get them).

This thing is actually quite easy to push, it is just a tank to maneuver through 2500 (Yes you heard right - two thousand five hundred) people. It feels like driving a Humvee in the middle of a parade. I don't know how it was for the others who all started ahead of me, but being near the back of this crowd of runners, I could just BARELY walk until the masses broke up about 3 blocks later. It was a very slow start for me as I felt like I was crawling and could not maneuver the "tank" through the mass of people.

It is too hard for the picture taker to take pictures of everyone out on the road, so she can only get pictures as we come near the finish line, and this race ended on the Springville High School track.

C pushing it to the very end

Alisha didn't see her husband Randy and son T cross the finish line, so here they are posing nicely for her.

Look at me go!

P rode all the way in the jogging stroller, but he wanted to run across the finish line, and he could do so since he had a race number.

Random pictures of our group during the prize drawings and awards.

1 comment:

Pays said...

Way to go! We were there as well. It's too bad we didn't get to see you. Maybe next year.