Monday, December 22, 2008

Nash Christmas party

Every year my parents, siblings and us get together for our Nash Adult Christmas party. We take turns having it at each others houses. This year it was my turn. While we were waiting for everyone to come we snacked on tortilla chips and dips (salsa, mango salsa, and Guacamole). For dinner we had Fajitas (it was something I could eat)on delicious home made tortillas that Lisa made and lettuce salad (also very good - Thanks Nancy). For dessert my mom brought a yummy looking pudding type dish with a crust (I didn't have any because of THE DIET). Many years we play Bingo, but I wanted to do something different this year. So we played what I call the animal game. Don't know the real name, even if there is one. Clap legs twice, clap hands twice, then thumbs go over the shoulder, keeping up a steady rhythm. When the thumbs go over the shoulder you say your animal name, then then next time your thumbs go other the shoulder you say someone else's animal name. It is pretty hilarious, and not as easy as it looks. When someone messes up, they have to move to the end and everyone shifts up one seat, up to the seat vacated by the "missee". The object is to get to the first chair and stay there. But watch out, because everyone else is trying to knock you out of the first chair. At one point several people just couldn't get "Moose" out of their head, even though we did not have a moose. I think it was a cross between "Mouse" and "Goose" which we did have. I was laughing so hard I could hardly take my turn when it came to me. Of course it didn't help that we sped up the tempo quite a bit. What a fun time we had. Thanks everyone for coming and sharing time with us.

Eating dinner

"The Animal Game"

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Looks like so much fun. I love family Christmas parties!