Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Yes, I am still alive!

It is amazing how fast time can pass by without hardly blinking an eye. I am not even going to go all the way back to February and catch up what has been going on in our lives. Mostly because I don't want to spring a sprocket in my brain trying to remember. Old age will do that to you if when you think too hard. J/K, about the old age part. In my mind I am still 25.

Last week we went to my favorite (PUN) place in the world.......LAS VEGAS, NV. Dennis had a Union seminar to go to and he really wanted me to go with him. Well, what wife in her right mind would not accompany her husband to the sin city capital ofthe West Coast? So I went with him. We had just been to this city of so much fun just last year when we met Mark, Elain and their family there. I had the best time while Dennis was in his meetings. I stayed in the motel room studying a really good book (no pun here) for the School of Natural Healing that I am enrolled in. I could regulate the thermostat to my liking which was more on the warm side and read, read and read. It was truly the best part of the trip. In the evenings when Dennis' classes were over we would make our way out the 'freezing' cold casino to the nice warm Vegas air and walk the strip looking for a new place to eat. Who needs to pay mega bucks to watch shows there when just walking the strip is a huge show all by itself. Just be careful and don't let your eyes linger anywhere, and I literally mean ANYWHERE for too long. I found that I spent a good deal of my time looking for people who were wearing modest LDS standard clothing and if I did see some, then looking for a garment line. I hope that does not offend anyone, but I really felt like a stranger in a very awkward place where I would rather of not been, and was looking for others who might share my beliefs. We thought Dennis' meetings were Monday through Friday, and so were very happy and relieved to hear the conference ended Wednesday evening. The highlight of the trip for me was going to the Las Vegas Temple. It is so beautiful and a wonderful ending to our trip. I was so glad to get home.

Friday we spent unpacking, laundry, opening a weeks worth of mail, mowing lawns, watering gardens, etc, etc, etc.

Saturday I really wanted to just go fishing. It has been over a year since we went and just hung out at the lake and fished. It is one of the few things that Dennis and I both love to do. The day did not disappoint us, and we had so much fun catching fish at Scofield reservoir. We then went on to Helper to visit Dennis' mom and dad for the last time at their house they just sold and will soon be moving out of state. Then we took a drive up the canyon to check out our favorite camping spot and that was so nice and relaxing, at least for me it was. I am so thankful we live close to the mountains and can have these wonderful opportunities.

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